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1. Choosing Curriculum 


Homeschooling offers the opportunity for craftsmanship in education.

Now is the time to think through your educational goals as you consider what curriculum/teaching materials would best meet your students' needs. Inquire of godly parents with experience in homeschooling. Find out what teaching materials they use, what they like and don't like about them and why. Read books and articles about homeschooling to broaden your perspective.  Most important: pray and seek the Lord's direction.  


2. Typical Curriculum/Teaching Materials

(not an exhaustive list)


Abeka [video available]

ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (Monarch [online], LifePac, & Horizons)
Alpha-Phonics by Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Answers in Genesis


Berean Builders (Science)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) [video available]

Christian Liberty Press (CLP)

Christian Light Education (CLE)

Classical Conversations (CC)

Demme Learning

Discovery K12
Easy Peasy - and

Five in a Row (FIAR)

Gather Round Homeschool

The Good and the Beautiful (K-8) (TGTB)

Handwriting Without Tears (HWT)

Heart of Dakota

Institute for Excellence in Writing

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum (LFBC)

Learning Language Arts Through Literature (LLATL)

Math-U-See (MUS) [Manipulative-based math program]

Memoria Press

My Father's World

Notgrass History

Right Start Math (K-8) 

Robinson Curriculum
Rod & Staff
Saxon [purchase HERE or HERE]

Schoolhouse Teachers

Singapore Math

Sonlight Curriculum [Literature-based unit study]
Story of the World (SOTW)

Tapestry of Grace
Teaching Textbooks (Math)

Time4Learning (K-8th)

Veritas Press
Weaver Curriculum


3. Homeschool Curriculum Online Stores


4. Suggested Reading for Parents 


"103 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy, 2014 

"The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling" by Debra Bell, 2009 

"Educating the WholeHearted Child" by Clay & Sally Clarkson, 1996 

"How to Home School (A Practical Approach)" by Gayle Graham, 1997 

"The How & Why of Home Schooling" by Ray E. Ballmann, 1995 

"A Charlotte Mason Education: A How-to Manual" by Catherine Levison, 1996 â€‹


5. Magazines 


Home School Digest

The Teaching Home

Homeschooling Today 

Practical Homeschooling

The Old Schoolhouse​


6. Resources


Well Planned Gal


7. Achievement Testing 



Bob Jones University Press


8. Legal


Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)

(540) 338-5600

(Discount code for Gateway families: 291054) â€‹

This style of curriculum teaches in logical steps, breaking each subject down into packets with tests. It works well for students to study on their own and customize the learning pace.

Popular Self-Study Packets for New Homeschoolers

  • Alpha Omega LifePac

    • Christian material that can be purchased from their website. Easy to find and purchase. They offer grade sets.*

  • ACE School of Tomorrow

    • Simple Christian material that can be purchased from their website. A good way to find material is to select level and subject. This is the same material that is used in Gateway's Extension Program and Campus School.

*A grade set is: a bundle for purchase that includes all the resources for the necessary subjects in that grade.

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