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Note: this is not an exhaustive list.

The curriculum materials below are only some of the possibilities.  If a curriculum you are considering is not on this list, give us a call or email, (click HERE for contact info) and we will be happy to review it.

2. Math 


A. Pre-Algebra

(Typically an 8th-grade course, but may be taken in 9th-12th for high-school credit.)


ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math)

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum (LFBC)


Saxon Algebra 1/2 [purchase HERE or HERE]

Teaching Textbooks


B. Algebra I
(Pre-Algebra recommended before Algebra I.)
ACE School of Tomorrow
Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)
Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)
Christian Light Education
Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math)
"Elementary Algebra" by Harold Jacobs (Covers Algebra I and Algebra II)
Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum
Life of Fred
Saxon Algebra I [purchase HERE or HERE]
Shormann Interactive Math
Teaching Textbooks
VideoText Interactive Algebra: A Complete Course


C. Algebra II 


ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Light Education

Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math)

"Elementary Algebra" by Harold Jacobs (Covers Algebra I and Algebra II)

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum

Life of Fred


Saxon Algebra II [purchase HERE or HERE]

Shormann Interactive Math

Teaching Textbooks

VideoText Interactive Algebra: A Complete Course


D. Geometry


ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Light Education

Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math)

Geometry by Harold Jacobs

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum

Life of Fred


Saxon Geometry [purchase HERE or HERE]

Shormann Interactive Math (integrated within the Algebra I & II Courses)

Teaching Textbooks

VideoText Interactive "Geometry: A Complete Course"


E. Consumer Math​


Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Light Education

Math-U-See "Stewardship Math"

  • Earns 0.5 credit of Consumer Math and 0.5 credit of Personal Finance.


F. Business Math


ACE School of Tomorrow

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum


G. Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry

(Prerequisites: Algebra I & II, Geometry)

Abeka "Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry"

ACE School of Tomorrow (0.5 credit)

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Christian Light Education (0.5 credit)

Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math)

Life of Fred


Saxon Advanced Math [purchase HERE or HERE]

Shormann Interactive Math

Teaching Textbooks


H. Calculus

(Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry)

Cool Math Guy (formerly Chalk Dust Math) (All 3 parts needed to earn 1 credit.)

  1. Cool Math Guy Calculus 1

  2. Cool Math Guy Calculus 2

  3. Cool Math Guy Calculus 3

Life of Fred

Saxon Calculus [purchase HERE or HERE]

Shormann Interactive Math

  1. Shormann Interactive Math Calculus 1

  2. Shormann Interactive Math Calculus 2

3. Science


A. Physical Science
ACE School of Tomorrow
Alpha Omega (Monarch) "Integrated Physics & Chemistry"
Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)
Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum
B. Biology​


ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)


Berean Builders

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Liberty Press

Christian Light Education (CLE)

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum


C. Chemistry

ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)


Berean Builders

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Light Education (CLE)


D. Physics


ACE School of Tomorrow
Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)


Berean Builders

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

Christian Light Education


E. Astronomy

Apologia "Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy"

"Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide" by Dinah L. Moché

Christian Liberty Press "Lift Up Your Eyes on High: Understanding the Stars"
Fourth Day Press "Signs & Seasons" by Jay Ryan

Homeschool Astronomy


F. Anatomy & Physiology

Apologia "Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology"
Body by Design" by Alan L. Gillen


G. Marine Biology

Apologia "Exploring Creation with Marine Biology" (prerequisite: Biology)

Easy Peasy ( "Oceanography with Lab"


H. Creation Science

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum "Scientific Creationism"

5. Economics


Abeka "Economics: Work & Prosperity"

ACE School of Tomorrow
Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC) "History & Geography"

  • Earns 0.5 credit Economics and 0.5 credit Government.

Alpha Omega (Monarch) "Government & Economics"

  • Earns 0.5 credit Economics and 0.5 credit Government.

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)

"Economics for Everybody" (Study Guide and DVDs) by R.C. Sproul, Jr.

  • Student should also complete the optional readings in "Basic Economics" by Carson and Cleveland to earn 0.5 credit.

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum "Economics (H161)"

Notgrass "Exploring Economics"

6. U.S. Government


Notgrass "Exploring Government"
Abeka "
American Government"

ACE School of Tomorrow "U.S. Civics"

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC) "History & Geography"

  • Earns 0.5 credit Economics and 0.5 credit Government.

Alpha Omega (Monarch) "Government & Economics"

  • Earns 0.5 credit Economics and 0.5 credit Government.

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum "U.S. Government (H160)"

"Magruder's American Government" by McClenaghan

  • Earns 1 whole credit Government.

7. Personal Finance


Alpha Omega (Monarch) "Personal Financial Literacy"

Christian Light Education (CLE) "Charting a Course in Your Youth" by Gary Mill

  • Student should complete both the text and 5 LightUnit workbooks to earn 0.5 credit.

Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University" or "Foundations in Personal Finanace"

Math-U-See "Stewardship"

  • Earns 0.5 credit of Consumer Math and 0.5 credit of Personal Finance.

Money Matters for Teens by Larry Burkett

  • Student should complete both the text and student workbook (for ages 15-18) to earn 0.5 credit. "Money 101"

8. Health


ACE School of Tomorrow

Abeka "Health in Christian Perspective"

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch) "High School Health"

Apologia "Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition"

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum "Health (S155)"

"Total Health: Choices for a Winning Lifestyle" by Susan Boe

9. Social Studies


A. Ancient History

Christian Liberty Press "Streams of Civilization Volume One"

  • Earns 1 credit Ancient History if student completes only this volume over the course of a school year.

"The History of the Ancient World" by Susan Wise Bauer

The Mystery of History "Volume I Creation to the Resurrection"


B. European History

"The Penguin History of Europe" by J. M. Roberts


C. Modern History

Christian Liberty Press "Streams of Civilizations Volume Two"

  • Earns 1 credit Modern History if student completes only this volume over the course of a school year.

The Mystery of History "Volume IV Wars of Independence to Modern Times"


D. World History

Abeka "World History and Cultures"

ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC and Monarch)

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP)
Christian Liberty Press "Streams of Civilization Volume One" & "Volume Two"

  • Earns 1 credit World History if student completes both books in one school year.

Christian Light Education (CLE)
Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum

Notgrass "Exploring World History"

E. World Geography

Abeka "World Geography in Christian Perspective" (0.5 credit)

ACE School of Tomorrow

Alpha Omega LIFEPAC "Civics & World Geography"

  • Earns 0.5 credit World Geography and 0.5 credit Civics.

Alpha Omega Monarch

Apologia "Around the World in 180 Days with Workbook"

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) "Cultural Geography"

Christian Light Education (CLE)

  • Earns 0.5 credit World Geography and 0.5 credit Civics.

GeoMatters "Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide"

  • Student should take all levels to earn 1 credit.

Notgrass "Exploring World Geography"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

10. Foreign Language


A. Spanish

Abeka Spanish I & Spanish II

Alpha Omega (LIFEPAC) Spanish I & Spanish II

Alpha Omega (Monarch) Spanish I & Spanish II

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) Spanish I & Spanish II

The Learnables Spanish I & II

  • Student should complete audio and Basic Structures for each course, as well as Grammar Enhancements in Spanish II, in order to earn 1 credit for each course.

Rosetta Stone Spanish (Level 1 = Spanish I, Level 2 = Spanish II, etc.)


B. French​

Alpha Omega (Monarch) French I & French II

The Learnables French I & II

  • Student should complete audio and Basic Structures for each course, as well as Grammar Enhancements in French II, in order to earn 1 credit for each course.

Rosetta Stone French (Level 1 = French I, Level 2 = French II, etc.)


C. Latin​

​Artes Latinae Latin I & Latin II
Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) Latin I and Latin II

Henle Latin

  • "Henle Latin First Year" covers Latin I & II and earns 1 credit in each.

Latin in the Christian Trivium (Vol. I = Latin I, Vol. II = Latin II, etc.)

Rosetta Stone Latin  (Level 1 = Latin I, Level 2 = Latin II, etc.)

​​Wheelock's Latin​

  • Student should also complete the Workbook to cover Latin I & II and earn 1 credit in each.


D. German

The Learnables German I & II

  • Student should complete audio and Basic Structures for each course, as well as Grammar Enhancements in German II, in order to earn 1 credit for each course.

Rosetta Stone German (Level 1 = German I, Level 2 = German II, etc.)


E. Japanese

Rosetta Stone Japanese (Level 1 = Japanese I, Level 2 = Japanese II, etc.)


F. Russian

Rosetta Stone Russian (Level 1 = Russian I, Level 2 = Russian II, etc.)


G. American Sign Language (ASL)

ASL University

  • Each level earns 0.5 credit and should last the duration of the semester.


​​​​​​​H. Other Languages

(The following companies have a variety of other foreign languages not listed above.)

​ACE School of Tomorrow

The Learnables

Rosetta Stone

11. Visual/Performing Arts


A. Art

Abeka "Watercolor Step-by-Step" (0.5 credit)

ACE - Beginning Art and Advanced Art 

"Drawing for Older Children & Teens" by Mona Brookes

"Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards

  • Workbook optional.

Easy Peasy "Drawing Professionally"


B. Art History

"The Story of Painting" by Sister Wendy Beckett


C. Art Appreciation

Easy Peasy "Art Appreciation" (0.5 credit)


D. Instrumental Music

One credit should include 150 hours of instruction, study, and practice.


E. Vocal Music

One credit should include 150 hours of vocal instruction, study, and practice.


F. Music History

No current curriculum recommendations. Call or email us to ask about a specific curriculum you propose to use.


G. Music Appreciation

Alpha Omega Monarch (0.5 credit)

Easy Peasy (0.5 credit)
"Music: An Appreciation" by Kamien

  • Student should have access to audio accompaniment to earn 1 credit.


H. Dance

One credit should include 150 hours of dance instruction, study, practice, and performance.


I. Drama

Includes involvement in a theater production (church drama, local theater, radio, film, television, etc.). One credit should include 150 hours of preparation, practice, and dramatic performance (acting). May also include dance, play production, and play writing.


J. Theater Arts

More focused (than Drama) on the technical aspects of theater. May include stage and set design and construction, as well as costumes, scripts, lighting, sound, etc. May also include dramatic performance (acting) and dance.

Theatre: The Lively Art by Wilson/Goldfarb

12. Dual-Enrollment Classes


For information about dual-enrollment classes, click HERE.​​

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